Coach's Summary

Coach Summary 2009 Head of the Lafayette

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Homecoming weekend!  William and Mary Rowing spent a busy Homecoming Saturday doing their best to promote school spirit and raise $ for the Boathouse campaign.  The team had a wonderful time erging 5000 meters each (yeah erging!), selling WMRC Boathouse raffle tickets and clothing to alums, rocking out in the team’s Homecoming Parade Float, and […]

Coach's Summary

Coach Summary 2009 Head of the Charles

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The Head of the Charles (or Chuck), is a name synonymous in rowing circles with a weekend of beautiful New England fall foliage and crisp autumn air, 3.2 miles of zany, challenging turns through tight bridges, and a half million of your best friends cheering you on as you gaspingly push yourself further and further into oxygen debt.  It is […]

Coach's Summary

Coach Summary 2009 Occoquan Chase

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The season kicked off for William and Mary Rowing in northern Virginia, as the varsity squads raced at the Occoquan Chase.  With the team running over two varsity eights for both the girls and guys at practice everyday for the first time in a decade, and with the team largely compromised of underclassmen rowing their first race ever […]

Coach's Summary

Coach Summary 2009 Dad Vail

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The big one.  The end all be all.  The Omega.  The Dad Vail Regatta. We came out expecting the worst, with practice cancelled on Thursday due to flooding and rampant debris, with the course having washed away the day before, with two days of thunderstorms in the forecast, and with the institution of 1500 meter time trials on Friday to semifinals […]

Coach's Summary

Coach Summary 2009 MACCC

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Another spring weekend, another succesful Tribe regatta!  The day started out well with everyone in high spirits, despite the light pitter-pattering of rain.  After a coach/coxswain meeting spent listening to regatta officials explain the particulars of the Occoquan’s traffic patterns, the location of the launch and recovery docks, as well as the need for supple bowballs, Tribe Rowing […]

Coach's Summary

Coach Summary 2009 SIRA

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After bravely navigating the winding, treacherous paths on the route from Virginia to Tennessee, the team arrived at Melton Hill Lake eager to take on the competition. Racing kicked off on Saturday with the novice men’s four event. Going up against a strong field of opposing crews, our guys were edged out and placed fourth in the heat, […]

Coach's Summary

Coach Summary 2009 Occoquan Sprints

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To put it mildly, the day was gorgeous.  The wind was relaxed, the clouds were fluffy, and the sun enveloped everyone with an early spring warmth.  With such a setting, the team couldn’t help but race well and have fun. The novice women entered an eight and a four (with some of the women double […]

Coach's Summary

Coach Summary 2008 Head of the Lafayette

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A first showing for William and Mary Rowing at this regatta, the team made quite an impression! Rowing mainly against Old Dominion University’s team, the Varsity Men’s 8+ and 4+ both finished first in their races. The Varsity Women’s 8+ also took first, and the novice boats on both sides rowed impressively for their first […]