
A day at the office

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed venenatis dignissim ultrices. Suspendisse ut sollicitudin nisi. Fusce efficitur nec nunc nec bibendum. Praesent laoreet tortor quis velit facilisis faucibus. Maecenas sollicitudin lectus diam, non vehicula arcu ullamcorper ac. In pharetra, est vitae interdum tincidunt, urna ligula rutrum tellus, sit amet pharetra purus magna eu enim. […]


Just a simple post

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed venenatis dignissim ultrices. Suspendisse ut sollicitudin nisi. Fusce efficitur nec nunc nec bibendum. Praesent laoreet tortor quis velit facilisis faucibus. Maecenas sollicitudin lectus diam, non vehicula arcu ullamcorper ac. In pharetra, est vitae interdum tincidunt, urna ligula rutrum tellus, sit amet pharetra purus magna eu enim. […]


WMRC Bracket Challenge

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FWR is hosting its third annual NCAA Basketball Bracket Challenge Fundraiser!  Using Yahoo! Fantasy Sport’s Tourney Pick ‘Em, your bracket will compete against other FWR entries.  In the end, the best bracket will receive a WMRC apparel and most importantly, bragging rights! The entry fee is $10.  All proceeds go to the FWR General Fund. […]


WMRC Letter Campaign

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Last month, WMRC & FWR mailed our Friends and Family a letter outlining the successes of the season and goals for the spring, both competitively and financially. Furthermore, the WMRC Letter recognized the support from our Friends and asked for continued financing from our network of alumni and Friends to strengthen the team for another exciting sprint race season! If you […]


On our way to Phase I

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During the month of September, the WMRC Endowment passed the $10,000 mark which is 20% of the way towards our Phase I Endowment goal of $50,000. Assuming 5% earnings every year, the Endowment will already generate $500 annually to support WMRC. To put that in the context of rowing, that is like one brand new […]


2014 Head of the Hooch Race Preview

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WMRC is on their way to beautiful Chattanooga, TN to compete in the Head of the Chattahoochee Regatta. This head race, lasting 3.1 miles on the Tennessee River, is the premiere fall race down South and the last of the great fall regattas (Charles, Schulykill, Hooch) before winter training kicks in. Boasted as one of […]


Race Preview: Head of the Charles Regatta

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While most alumni are heading back to the ‘burg to enjoy some football, William and Mary Rowing is sending three boats to the largest and arguably most prestigious regatta in the country. They will share the Charles River with Ivy-League powerhouses, rowing celebrities, and even some national teams! This regatta is very exclusive, earning a […]